ESB 8: Asteroid Feelings

We're getting into the Asteroid Field with Thundercat pianist Dennis Hamm! In this episode, we explore the complex harmony, emotion, and triumph in this cue that John Williams once called "a ballet of flying spaceships and asteroids colliding." Dennis also administers a fun listening test toward the end that you'll want to stick around for (there are no wrong answers). This is The Empire Strikes Back minutes 36-40.


  • 0:00 - Hello there!

  • 3:59 - Listening to the minutes.

  • 10:13 - Leia's themes touching on Lydian mode.

  • 11:36 - Thinking in chords vs. melodies.

  • 16:17 - Modal modulation. David Huron. Acoustic Ethological Model (AEM).

  • 22:05 - A theory on why Han and Leia's theme sounds melancholic. (It involves overtones.)

  • 29:48 - Four quadrants.

  • 37:28 - Triumphant splash. More lydian talk.

  • 45:14 - Beginning of 4M3 The Asteroid Field.

  • 51:15 - "A ballet of flying spaceships and asteroids colliding."

  • 58:46 - Flat 2 representing tension, aggravation, distress.

  • 1:02:02 - Violins are running up (run) and sliding down (glissando).

  • 1:09:33 - Asteroid Field Subsidiary Motif.

  • 1:17:57 - Instruments uniting for the regal Asteroid Field theme.

  • 1:28:19 - "Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3720 to 1."

  • 1:31:53 - Pianist vs. violinist perspectives, mental shifts.

  • 1:34:37 - Emotions + Intervals Test (There are no wrong answers!)

  • 2:03:16 - Tonicizing, turning notes into roots. A little test on which roots we perceive.

  • 2:09:32 - Sentisonics.

  • 2:16:20 - Polytonality (vertical) vs. modulation (horizontal) in The Asteroid Field.

  • 2:21:39 - The darkest chord progression.

  • 2:23:32 - Comparing the Asteroid Field cue to the concert arrangement.

  • 2:30:48 - Dennis's parting thoughts about these minutes.

  • 2:34:38 - SWMM Questionnaire.

Things Referenced:


  • 4M2 "The Rebels Escape Again"

  • 4M3 "The Asteroid Field"

Musical Themes:

  • 10a. Imperial March (Theme)

  • 11a. Han & Leia (A Section)

  • 26) Asteroid Field Main Theme

  • 27) Asteroid Field Subsidiary Motif

Where are we in the soundtrack?:

  • "The Battle Of Hoth (Ion Cannon/Imperial Walkers/Beneath the"

  • "The Asteroid Field"


Star Wars Music Minute Questionnaire:

1. In exactly 3 words, what does Star Wars sound like?

  • Adventure. Mysticism. Justice.

2. What's something related to Star Wars music or sound that you want to learn more about?

  • Which specific classical composers John Williams borrowed from harmonically (and how, specifically).

3. What's a score or soundtrack you're fond of besides anything Star Wars?

  • The Last Starfighter (composed by Craig Safan)


Guest: Dennis Hamm


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Where else to find SWMM:


ESB 9: Dagobah Piccolo Workout


ESB 7: Musical Referee