Solo 17: Adagio for L3

Lacey Gilleran from Resistance Broadcast is here to talk about the music in Solo minutes 81-85! We discuss the tragic scoring of L3's death, the gravitational pull of pedal points, musical depth of field, and, of course, #MakeSolo2Happen.


  • 00:00 - Hello there!

  • 00:54 - MakeSolo2Happen

  • 09:50 - Swashbuckling adventures.

  • 15:53 - Young Han Solo's Searching theme, ascending

  • 21:40 - Music as a strong guiding hand.

  • 24:44 - Gravitational pull of the pedal point, Lando's denial, stratospheric strings.

  • 34:19 - Sound mixing when Lando is in the shock-grief bubble.

  • 38:42 - Is this a reference to Han and Leia?

  • 52:12 - One of Lacey's favorite shots in Star Wars.

  • 59:39 - Things sound different on the Falcon because of the room change.

  • 1:02:31 - Rebel Fanfare offers heroic glimpses into the future while the Young Han Heroic theme represents Han settling back into himself for now.

  • 1:04:42 - Listening to L3's death, tragic strings, solo trumpet like military funerals.

  • 1:13:20 - How the Solo novelization depicts L3's death (including from her POV)...

  • 1:22:19 - SWMM Questionnaire

  • 1:30:49 - Goodbye and where to find Lacey Gilleran and Resistance Broadcast.

Things to Check Out:

Musical Themes:

  • 1. Young Han Solo (Heroic, comp. JW)

  • 9. Fakery

  • 8. L3-37

  • 2a. Young Han Solo (Searching, comp. JW)

  • 5. The Gang

  • Brief reference to Han & Leia (B Section)?

  • 2. Rebel Fanfare

  • 5. Death Star

Where are we in the soundtrack?:

  • Most of "Break Out"

  • "Extra Deluxe Mine Mission (4M30B-5M30C-31)"

  • Very beginning of "Reminiscence Therapy" and "Kessel Run in Less Than 12 Parsecs (5M32-33A-B-C)"



1. In exactly 3 words, what does Star Wars sound like?

  • Emotional. Sweeping. Adventure.

2. What's something related to Star Wars music or sound that you want to learn more about?

  • How do composers figure out what a character sounds like? Ex: How did John Williams decide what Rey and Yoda sounded like?

3. What's a score or soundtrack you're fond of besides anything Star Wars?

  • Howl's Moving Castle (composed by Joe Hisaishi), Pirates of the Caribbean (composed by Klaus Badelt and produced by Hans Zimmer), Pride and Prejudice (composed by Dario Marianelli), Coco (composed by Michael Giacchino with original songs by various artists), Tron: Legacy (composed by Daft Punk).


Guest: Lacey Gilleran


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Where else to find SWMM:


Solo 18: Powered By Thirds


Solo 16: Contrapuntal Droid Rebellion