Solo 25: The Raconteur

In minutes 121-125 of Solo: A Star Wars Story, Beckett dies, Qi'ra leaves, and we reunite with Lando the Raconteur in his fancy jungle room. Star Wars Lawyer (Kris) returns to the show for a discussion about solemn death music, Lando's themes, Lando cosplay, and more!


  • 00:00 - Hello there!

  • 07:17 - How do you feel about Han and Qi'ra's romance?

  • 10:26 - Death and solemnity in Star Wars.

  • 17:19 - Death of the dream (Qi'ra and Han's)

  • 21:21 - Yacht sound design, a dirty rumble.

  • 26:18 - Star Wars audiobooks.

  • 30:24 - Why does Enfys Nest call Han a "leader" and a "warrior"? Is he, really?

  • 35:59 - This is where the fun begins.

  • 40:10 - Diegetic music: "Lando's Jungle Room."

  • 45:55 - Non-diegetic music: "Sabacc Rematch"... but something about it almost sound diegetic?

  • 52:58 - Lando's music throughout the Star Wars saga (Empire Strikes Back through Solo and Rise of Skywalker). Speculating on what Lando's themes might sound like in the future.

  • 59:33 - What do you want in a Lando show?

  • 1:05:51 - SWMM Questionnaire

  • 1:12:28 - How Kris discovered that he could do the Vader voice.

Things to Check Out:

Musical Themes:

  • 5. The Gang

  • 3. Secrets

  • 6. Han & Chewie

  • 1. Young Han Solo (Heroic, comp. JW)

Where are we in the soundtrack?:

  • "Maul's Call / Parting Ways (7M43-44-45)"

  • "Lando's Jungle Room (7M46S)"

  • "Dice & Roll" & "Sabacc Rematch / To Tatooine (7M47-48)"



1. In exactly 3 words, what does Star Wars sound like?

  • A galactic symphony

2. What's something related to Star Wars music or sound that you want to learn more about?

  • New answer: Deep dive into John Williams's mindset when he wrote his love themes: "Across the Stars," "Han Solo and the Princess," and "Princess Leia's Theme."

  • Previous answer: A deeper dive into the Star Wars themes (motifs, etc)

3. What's a score or soundtrack you're fond of besides anything Star Wars?

  • New answer: The Prince of Egypt score and soundtrack (by Hans Zimmer and Stephen Schwartz), How to Train Your Dragon (composed by John Powell)

  • Previous answer: Interstellar (composed by Hans Zimmer), Tron: Legacy (composed by Daft Punk), Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (composed by Michael Giacchino)


Guest: Star Wars Lawyer


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Where else to find SWMM:


Solo 26: Lightspeed to End Credits


Solo 24: Better Call Maul