TLJ 11: Steel Pans of Canto Bight

We haven't heard steel pan drums in a Star War since "Cantina Band" in 1977! What vibe was John Williams going for here? Percussionist Tyler Hunt, the steel pan drummer from the soundtrack, is here to give us the scoop.

Discussion topics/Highlights:

  • The fascinating history of steel pan drums.

  • When Tyler got the call...

  • How steel pan drums fit into the music of Star Wars.

  • What the "Canto Bight" recording sessions were like, how they differed from the regular scoring sessions, what the various instruments were, how much was written down vs. improvised.

  • The collaborative nature of this track. John Williams brought in some percussion legends to help with the groove.

  • Why John Williams didn't like Tyler's steel pan drums and asked him to borrow a different instrument.

  • Comparisons between "Canto Bight" and "Cantina Band."

  • A basic overview of the styles heard in the "Canto Bight" track.

Themes (in order of appearance): end of Force theme, Rey's theme, Kylo Ren (Aggressive), Tension motif, Kylo Ren (Tentative, then Aggressive)

Soundtrack: We are on track 9. Canto Bight

Links Mentioned:

Tyler Hunt:

Connect with Star Wars Music Minute:


TLJ 12: Follow Your Spidey Sense


TLJ 10: Colors of the Wind